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Love Comes Softly

"The truth about God's Love is not that He allows bad things to happen. It's His promise that he'll be there with us when they do."

These words are being said by Clark to Marty, his wife, when she asked him about why he said that he believe that God always answer his prayers, in fact many bad things happen to him. LOVE COMES SOFTLY, is a film from Hallmark Production. This film tell us about love as a process and knowing by time. It is also tell us about God accompanying in our life.

May be I can tell you the short story about this film. Marty and Aaron, going from east to the west, to find the best place to living and runs their dream family. After so long, they find the best place they're be looking for. But unfortunatelly, that dream sweapt away in the morning. Aaron had a accident that taken his life when he was trying to run after his horse.

It's hard for Marty, of course. Not only because she love him so much, but because she only has Aaron in her life. But God never abandon His child. He is come in everytime we need Him, even when we think this is not the best time for us to get in His way. But that's God! We never know what His plans but we can trust Him.

You know how God came to Marty life? He sent Clark, a widower, in the day when her husband Aaron be laid to rest. In rainy day, after the funeral, Clark came and ask her to marry him. The reason is not about sexual needed, but for his daughter. If Clark doesn’t came that day, Marty will never has a house to take shelter in winter. Clark promises, when the spring coming, he will pay for her travel to going back home (in the east). And because she has no choices, she go.

Clark's daugther name is Missy. She work and play like a boy. She never wear dresses. She had been raise only by love of her father. She doesn’t want new mama. Well, as what you think, Marty and Missy do not have a good relation. And one day, Marty packed her dress and want to go. Clark trying to stop her. But she said, "The lilttle girl hates me. You were right, she does need a mother. But im not the right person" desperately Marty said. But Clark answer is one of the best dialouge that I love in this film, "I know you can find a way to get through her. Because that what's I prayed for" he always believe in the power of pray.

Clark is a mature man, also religius man. He never ask God to do what he wants. He ask God to make him can through all the process and things in his life. That words at the beginning of this writing is very inspiring. We, as human, can not hide from bad things. It can happen to every human. It is a part of life. But we don’t have to regret that, we just need to accept that and believe that God always with us. Just like a father who will do anything for his child when his child is hurt or sad.

I recommended you this film, Love Comes Softly. You will know the whole story, or may be will find much more about life that I write. Watch and get inspired. God Bless You


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